Start TAFE Now Information for Schools and Parents

Start TAFE Now is just the beginning of a young person’s education journey. Deciding to undertake a study is not an easy choice. Be equipped to support your young people with their career aspirations with the information on this page.

By providing guidance and resources, we aim to help students make informed decisions that align with their goals and interests. Whether they're pursuing vocational training or planning further education, the right support can make all the difference in their success.

Explore Start TAFE Now

Whether you're a student, parent, or educator, these insights will help you navigate the program effectively and make informed decisions about vocational education and training.

VET Student Loans is an Australian Government loan scheme to assist eligible students studying diploma level and above qualifications to pay their tuition fees. VET Student Loan gives rise to a VETSL debt that continues to be a debt due to the Commonwealth until it is repaid. The debt is repaid through the Australian tax system once you reach the minimum income threshold for repayment; repayments continue until you have repaid the debt. It cannot be used for other study-related costs such as accommodation or textbooks. 

To find out more, go to VET Student Loan.

We have written agreements with schools that provide third-party services on our behalf. Specific information on partnered schools may be provided by your school VET Coordinator and CQU representative or by making a specific enquiry via email to

When undertaking a CQU TAFE course students are participating in adult education based on industry requirements. While school provides a broad education, CQU TAFE teaches specific skills to be job ready. A qualification with CQU TAFE shows employers that the person has the expertise to work at a specific skill level, based on the course completed, and the ability to be a valuable team member. 

Developing real world skills at CQU TAFE also equips students with work ready behaviour. This starts on day one of the course. Being on time, attending every class, working well with colleagues, and trying their best will see students in good stead to succeed in the course and be in demand with employers. Like the workforce, if students do not attend consistently, they will be withdrawn from the course. The trigger for this is late or non-attendance for three weeks in a row without agreement between the school and CQU TAFE.

We provide a wide range of support services designed to help our students build the personal resilience and skills necessary to achieve their academic and personal goals. Whether you need academic or financial assistance or support for your health and well-being, we're here to guide you every step of the way. Some of our support services include: 

To find out more about the various support services go to Student Support

Graduates can now access certified transcripts and the testamur for their course through My eQuals. These digital documents can be shared with anyone, including employers, universities and other parties, enabling them to view these online. You'll receive your digital Testamur and Transcript via your student email upon the completion of your course.

Find more details on My eQuals.