Research Organisations
Research Organisations
Incorporating the Physical Activity Research Group the Appleton Institute is one of our flagship institutes focusing on health and wellbeing at work and play.
The Centre for Machine Learning - Networking and Education Technology conducts outcome-driven and theoretical research in complex intelligent systems. A particular focus is applied technologies relating to ICT and Engineering applications.
Our Centre for Railway Engineering is well known for its research expertise in train dynamics, wagon and bogie dynamics, wagon/track system dynamics, erosion control within railway corridors, simulation, instrumentation and field testing.
The Centre for Regional Economies and Supply Chains (CRESC) combines the expertise of our leading researchers in issues focused on the development and enhancement of economic systems, the tourism industry, and supply and value chains vital to regional and rural areas.
Working on issues related to assessment and transitions in online learning, creative education, STEM education, learner mobility and employability and transformative education, our Centre for Research in Equity and Advancement of Teaching and Education (CREATE) is a multidisciplinary team of experts.
Our Coastal Marine Ecosystems Research Centre (CMERC) has been established to work with coastal industries and communities to develop practical and sustainable solutions for our unique coast and marine environments.
Our agricultural research program is a world leader in delivering practical solutions which are bolstering the productivity, profitability and sustainability of the livestock and horticulture sectors. The Institute for Future Farming Systems incorporates a number of specialist groups including: Precision Livestock Management, Precision Horticulture, and Non-Invasive Sensor Technology).
Queensland Centre for Domestic and Family Violence Research (CDFVR) contributes to the prevention of domestic and family violence by informing, promoting and supporting the actions of individuals, communities, services and governments through state-wide leadership in research, professional development, education and community engagement.
Building a world-class capability to support our industry partners in their transition to hydrogen and renewable energy, the Centre for Hydrogen and Renewable Energy (CHRE) delivers commercially relevant research and development outcomes, and workforce expertise.
BMA Chair in Automation and Future Work Skills – established to focus on the impact of automation on regional cities and communities. The Chair coordinates research, outreach and engagement across industry.
Research Groups
Koala Research – CQ, formally the Koala Research Centre of Central Queensland, is a community funded research program hosted by the University.
BMA Chair in Automation and Future Work Skills – established to focus on the impact of automation on regional cities and communities. The Chair coordinates research, outreach and engagement across industry.
Research in our Schools
The School of Business and Law hosts a research group focussing on work, employment, regulation and governance and the Sustainable Enterprise Group.
Refer to the School of Business and Law page for full details.
The School of Education and the Arts houses research interests in:
- Creative and professional writing
- Performing arts
- Digital media
- Humanities and critical social enquiry
- Innovation in teacher education
- Learning, engagement and assessment
- STEM and STEAM education
- Resilience and special education
Refer to the School of Education and the Arts page for full details.
This school has research interests in:
- Building forensics and civil engineering
- Clean energy
- Engineering and technology education
- Intelligent systems
- Mechatronics, automation and mobile technology
- Railway engineering, technology and innovation
Refer to the School of Engineering and Technology page for full details.
Research interests in this school include:
- Agricultural Management Systems
- Environmental Monitoring and Management
- Medical and Applied Physiology
- Advanced Clinical Practice
- Sleep and Biological Rhythms (see also Appleton Institute)
- Physical Activity
- Human-Animal Interactions
- Community and Disaster Resilience
- Gambling and Addictive Behaviours
- Health Promotion
- Human Factors and Safety Science
- Aging and Health
See the School of Health, Medical and Applied Sciences page for full details.
Research interests in this school include:
- Quality and Safety in Healthcare
- Health Workforce
- Safe Communities
- Psychosocial Wellbeing
See the School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Sciences page for full details.
Research affiliations
- Bushfire and Natural Hazards Cooperative Research Centre (BNHRC) – Participating organisation
- The Lowitja Institute – R and D Participant
- Australasian Centre for Rail Innovation (ACRI) – R and D Participant
- Fitzroy Partnership for River Health
- Gladstone Healthy Harbour Partnership
- Fight Food Waste Cooperative Research Centre
- Rural Economies Centre of Excellence