Donate to the Coastal Marine Ecosystems Research Centre (CMERC)
Great Barrier Reef’s precious seagrass meadows are being lost at an alarming rate
Seagrass is a humble green hero helping to keep the Great Barrier Reef strong, but many habitats are under threat.
It might look and smell like seaweed, but this unassuming flowering plant is a powerful tool for keeping our precious natural ecosystems healthy.
Losing seagrass meadows means losing marine animals that depend on these habitats for food, shelter, and protection.
Many turtles, dugongs, and coastal animals are starving to death in our local waters where seagrass has been lost.
The importance of seagrass as a habitat for juvenile, spawning and foraging fish, means that loss can also impact on the sustainability of our fisheries.
Given the enormity of what’s at stake with increased global warming, everyone has an important role to play in supporting research that protects our environment for generations to come.
Enhance coastal protection and save marine life.
Donate to enhance coastal protection and save marine life
Your support is needed to develop quality research and proactive intervention strategies. A donation to the Coastal Marine Ecosystems Research Centre (CMERC) will not only restore seagrass and protect local marine wildlife but will also have a long-term positive impact on a state, national and international level for climate change action.
Your support is needed to help develop quality research and intervention strategies.
Donate to a sustainable future.
Support research connected to our community
Headquartered on the shoreline of the Gladstone Marina, CMERC is the only coastal and marine research facility based in Central Queensland.
Help make breakthroughs
Your donation will help develop dynamic and innovative research solutions to shape sustainable coastal futures.
Drive critical outcomes
Contribute to the delivery of world-class research programs, practical solutions, and large-scale seagrass restoration.
Learn more about the Coastal Marine Ecosystems Research Centre (CMERC)
CMERC is Central Queensland's only marine and Coastal Research Center so it's delivering
research where it's needed but we have got this concentration of Industry so we need a community
that can work together with our local environment we've got an amazing location here in Gladstone
for our base and we've got industry juxtaposed with some amazing marine habitats and we want
to look at how ways in which we can develop the coast to keep those systems sustaining some of our
coastal communities we have a unique approach to working with industry and our communities and we
take a very holistic approach to our research as well we're not just monitoring marine and coastal
environments we're also looking for practical solutions that can benefit entire communities a
lot of the things that the ecosystems do naturally can actually save people money and can support
coastal economies we have Queensland's first and only seagrass nursery where we actually grow
seagrasses and look at propagation and cultivation methods for how to grow seagrasses has made us a
really important habitat for providing food and capturing carbon filtering out our catchments and
the things the sediments and the nutrients that come down our catchments and basically making
sure that our Coral Sea and our coral reefs are healthy I just want to see it continue
to grow and spread that that research that that knowledge base right around the world