Online Conference for Undergraduate Research in Australasia

The Online Conference for Undergraduate Research in Australia was founded in 2020 to showcase undergraduate and honours level research from around Australia and New Zealand.


Due to overwhelming support, in 2021 we expanded our reach to include undergraduate and honours researchers from universities all over Australasia! OCURA aims to provide early research students* with an opportunity to gain experience, network, and present their work in a virtual online space.

In 2022, we supported more students in their research journey by including pre-confirmation Research Higher Degree students, to present their proposed ideas and gain peer-level feedback.

We’re excited to announce that OCURA 2023 will be held 30th August – 1st September. Join us in 2023 in showcasing undergraduate research that will allow you to Expand Your Horizons!

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Create Concept

OCURA is proudly supported by the Motivation of Health Behaviours (MoHB) Lab, the Centre for Research in Equity and Advancement of Teaching and Education (CREATE) and CQUniversity.

OCURA 2022

OCURA 2022 delivered a jam-packed 3-day schedule of workshops, keynotes, panels, symposiums, and presentations for our student presenters and audience members. We went head-to-head in the OCURA 2022 Games Night, and saw more than 30 fantastic undergraduate, honours, and early-stage postgraduate students proudly present their research.

Visit the OCURA 2022 Online Abstract eBook for more information

OCURA 2021

OCURA 2021 aimed to deliver more research knowledge to the student presenters and audience members via a full day of Research Training Workshops, six Keynotes and two Q&A Panels. Attendees also enjoyed social networking in the OCURA virtual lunchrooms and during the OCURA 2021 Trivia Night. A total of 42 undergraduate and honours students proudly presented their research.

Visit the OCURA 2021 Online Abstract eBook for more information.

OCURA 2020

OCURA 2020 was the first OCURA. A total of 42 undergraduate and honours students presented their research to 117 audience attendees. OCURA 2020 also hosted a number of networking sessions, Q&A panels and a trivia night.

Visit the OCURA 2020 Online Abstract eBook for more information.

Stay informed

For more information about OCURA, please email our team at

*Presenters must be current undergraduate or honours students, or within 12 months of graduation from their undergraduate or honours course. Pre-Confirmation Research Degree students are defined as PhD or Master by Research students prior to Confirmation of Candidature (proposal) approvals. Verification in the form of student identification, unofficial transcript or testamur will be required during the abstract submission process.