Matthew White
My name is Matthew White and I’m a CQUniversity Engineering graduate and scholarship recipient.
I remember stepping onto campus in my first year at CQUni with big ambitions of working as an Engineer - and no money. The first year of university was a struggle – I had been out of school for a few years working, so getting back into studying was a big change for me. I was working long hours each week to support myself and this was eating away at the time I could study.
Towards the end of my first year, I realised I couldn’t financially afford to study full-time.
I applied for a scholarship, which turned my life around. My scholarship assisted me with a number of my student expenses, which meant I didn’t have to work as much to get by. I was able to pay attention to my studies, rather than constantly worrying about money. Concentrating on my degree meant I was able to learn more about the diversity of engineering and was able to focus on my work placements and follow my interests in the field.
My scholarship had a massive impact on my success at university. It got me to graduation and now I’m working as a graduate engineer in my dream job. I know I’m in this role because of the support from my scholarship.
I can never thank my scholarship donors enough for what they’ve done for me and other students.
The difference your support makes to a student is huge. Because of your generosity, people like me have the chance to pursue our dreams and make a difference in the lives of others – just as you have made a difference and lasting impression on mine.
Please be assured that your current and future support goes beyond the scholarship – your generosity has a profound and long-lasting impact on our industry and our communities.
Donate to help more students
From 14 – 18 October, you can help us help even more students. Please donate to Student Scholarships during the 2024 CQUniCares Appeal.