Student fees include any enrolment-based amount payable for both degree-level and TAFE students. Enrolment based fees include Student Contributions, Tuition Fees, including tuition fees for students who have been approved for FEE-HELP or VET Student Loans, and the Student Services and Amenities Fee for degree-level students.
IMPORTANT NOTE: From 2017, an incidental fee may apply to students enrolled in a clinical placement – please make sure you check the Schedule of Incidental Fees before accepting and enrolling in a unit that has a clinical placement component.
Vocational Education and Training (VET) students
Looking for VET Student Loans? Find out information for students interested in applying for VET Student Loans, including entry requirement procedures, cooling off periods and more.
From 1 January 2020 the Australian Government introduced a combined HELP loan limit which caps the amount you can borrow. This loan limit includes any HECS-HELP debt incurred from 2020 onwards plus any existing and new FEE-HELP, VET FEE-HELP or VET Student Loans.
Learn more about the HELP loan limit and how it affects you.
Sundry charges
Sundry charges are not dependent on enrolment but accrue on an ad-hoc basis and include student loans, late, graduation, and library charges.