The Three-Dimensional Footprint of CQUniversity: Printing of Three-Dimensional Foot Models for Clinical Simulation in Podiatry.

School of Health, Medical and Applied Sciences
Malia Ho


Simulation is commonly used in podiatry clinical skills education. Students use commercially-made plastic foot models to practice skills such as callus debridement, nail trimming and injections. These foot models are costly, and therefore, students have to share. Depending on each cohort's student-foot model ratio, students may have to wait for their turn to practice the skills. Long wait times can lead to student disengagement and reduced practice time. A 3D printed foot model has been developed that can be fabricated in-house within 24 hours, and at a fraction of the cost. This 3D printed foot model can be replicated such that each student could have their own foot model to increase their engagement to the lesson as well as maximize their hands-on practice time. The efficacy of the use of these 3D printed foot models have not been evaluated. This project has two aims. One, to evaluate student learning experience and podiatry skills acquisition using 3D printed foot models compared to commercially-made foot models. Two, to conduct a cost-benefit analysis on the feasibility of 3D printing foot models for students over the long term compared to purchasing commercially-made foot models. The findings (student feedback and cost-benefit analysis) will enable us to determine whether 3D printed foot models are a viable alternative teaching resource compared to the currently used learning and teaching resources. If determined to be viable, this will pave the way for 3D printed body parts to be used in other disciplines for simulation education. This learning and teaching method is applicable to both face-to-face as well as distance mode units. This project is a cross-sectional design. Students of the podiatry course will be divided into two groups. One group will use the 3D printed foot models, while the other group (control) will use the commercially-made plastic foot model. A mixed methods approach will be taken to assess if there is a difference in learner engagement and experience (qualitative), and clinical skills acquisition (quantitative). In addition, a cost benefit analysis will be undertaken to ascertain if there are cost savings to university in the long term.

Environmental Sciences; Engineering; Medical and Health Sciences; Education; Economics
Additive manufacture, clinical skills acquisition, foot specialist
January 2021
Rockhampton; Online; Sydney

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