Virtual open day leads to rewarding study experience

28 June 2021

As a mature-age student who had been away from study for many years' Suzanne McLucas was thankful for CQUniversity's Virtual Open Day experience which helped set her on the right path for a new career.

After registering her interest in studying at CQUniversity' a personal invitation via email to attend Open Day was the push she needed to truly consider her study options.

"I found it be a positive' welcoming and informative experience'"

Suzanne explained.

"It confirmed I was choosing the right course for me.

"Although I had not studied for a very long time and I was a mature age student' attending the Virtual Open Day reassured and confirmed the support and resources that were available to me."

Suzanne said although the enrolment process was initially daunting' it was easy and self-explanatory once she decided to enrol.

She is now six months into her Bachelor of Public Health (Promotion) course and enjoying every new experience it offers.

"I am loving the challenge and I am loving the learning."

CQUniversity offers Open Day events for prospective students in a variety of formats including open houses' virtual open days' online chats and CBD information sessions.

CQUniversity's next Virtual Open Day will be held on 31 July' 9 am to 1 pm.

Find out about other opportunities or to register for this event go to