Careers Advisers Annual Conference



Dockside, Darling Harbour (Sydney)

Dockside, Cockle Bay Wharf,
Darling Harbour, Sydney NSW 2000

Who is this event for / type of event

Information Session

CAA Website

Join us at the Careers Advisers Association (CAA) Annual Conference to discover the wide range of TAFE and university qualifications offered at CQUniversity, and find out how we can help you and your students.

With one of the largest footprints of any Australian university, we offer our students the unique ability to study on campus at our Sydney campus, at one of our other locations across Australia, or via online study. Allowing all students the chance to access flexible, quality proven education to suit their lifestyle. CQU is committed to meeting the needs of our students through high-quality support, facilities and resources, leading them to excellence.

Chat to the team and find out how CQUniversity Sydney can help your students succeed, through our range of courses, extensive pathways, and support available.

The CAA Annual Conference offers career advisers the chance to connect with higher education institutes, to ensure they have all the information and resources to guide students through their journey to further education.