Tertiary Access Payment (TAP)
You need to be an eligible student from a regional or remote area, moving away from home to study at a tertiary education provider. This payment is for those who start studying at any point in the 12 months immediately after completing year 12 or equivalent.
If you’re eligible, you can only claim the Tertiary Access Payment from 1 January to 31 December in your first year of tertiary study.
To get this payment you must also be all of the following:
- an Australian resident meeting residence rules
- from an inner regional, outer regional or remote area
- moving to study at a tertiary education provider that’s at least 90 minutes away from your family home location by public transport
- have completed year 12 or equivalent
- studying a tertiary course at certificate IV or above in the 12 months immediately after completing year 12
- 22 or younger on the day you start your tertiary course
- have parents or guardians whose income is under the current combined parental income limit of $250,000.
You must also meet all of the study rules.
To get the payment, you must be studying one of the following:
- university course
- Vocational Educational and Training (VET) course
- other higher education course.
You meet the rules for qualifying study if you do all of the following:
- study a certificate IV or above at an accredited Australian tertiary education provider
- study at least 75% of a full-time study load
- study a course with a minimum duration of one academic year.
You may still be eligible if you can’t study full time. This needs to be for a special reason and you’ll need to give us proof.
There are also rules you need to meet for the delivery of your study program. It must be one of the following:
- face-to-face
- a combination of face-to-face and online study
- at a Regional University Centre (RUC), including as an online student.
Please refer to the Services Australia website for more information.
Please refer to the Services Australia website for more information.
Please refer to the Services Australia website for more information.
To apply for the Tertiary Access Payment, refer to the Services Australia website.
Please refer to the Services Australia website for more information.