
Advance your career and gain specialist skills in responding to the growing challenges of a diverse ageing population with our postgraduate Gerontology study options for nurses. With the ability to study online and part time, you can continue working while advancing your skills, knowledge and employability in this specialist area.

When you choose to study CQU's Graduate Certificate or Master of Clinical Nursing and major in Gerontology, you'll develop your understanding of the processes, complexities, challenges and contexts associated with ageing from a healthcare perspective. Build vital foundational knowledge of this important area of nursing and gain the skills to develop and implement innovate, person-centred models of care that address real-world problems. For those interested in leadership and gaining a high level postgraduate qualification, the masters course will further build your specialist nursing skills in the areas of advanced polypharmacy and advanced practice gerontology nursing, as well as giving you the opportunity to enhance practice through research and quality improvement projects.



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    Open Day is your chance to get a closer look. Explore TAFE and Uni courses and get your questions answered by our experts. Events are held across Queensland throughout August.

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