Other Study Costs

Student Services and Amenities Fees (SSAF)
The Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) is a compulsory fee charged by universities and other higher education providers to fund and improve services and amenities of a non-academic nature.
Whether you are studying online or on campus, SSAF plays a crucial role in enhancing your overall university experience.
You may be eligible for the SA-HELP loan, a scheme allowing students to defer their SSAF. For more information on SA-HELP visit our Paying for Uni page.
The allocation of SSAF funds adheres to specific guidelines, ensuring that funds are used to enhance student life.
Each year, all students and democratically elected student representatives will be invited to provide input about the types of services and facilities that will be funded through the SSAF. Decisions regarding SSAF funding allocation are shaped by the valuable input received from students during the consultation process.
Outside of the consultation process, students can email the Student Equity and Amenities Funding Committee (SEAFC) Secretaries at SEAFC@cqu.edu.au at any time with suggestions for expenditure for the following year’s SSAF allocation or views on the current year's SSAF expenditure.
The SEAFC is responsible for determining the annual allocations of SSAF. The committee considers student feedback, existing commitments, new initiatives, and projected revenue to ensure a wide range of projects are supported across the university to enhance the student experience. After the student consultation period, SEAFC funding allocation decisions are endorsed by the University’s Executive Management Committee.
You can learn more about SSAF Funding Allocations via your MyCQU student portal.
SSAF allocation reports
Additional costs
Some other costs to consider when thinking about studying include living costs and costs related to residential schools or clinical placements.
Additional course costs may include:
- Purchasing textbooks (second-hand copies or digital copies are a great way to save money)
- You’ll have access to our student computer labs on campus, but you may want to have your own device
- Computing programs
- Purchasing items like uniforms or personal safety equipment
- Participating in course-related activities and field trips
- Getting vaccinations
- Applying for a blue card
- Stationery, photocopying and printing.
Usually, the textbooks and equipment you need for each unit are listed in your unit profile on the student portal. You will find out more about these costs in the lead-up to each term once you have enrolled.
If you’re moving away from home for the first time or choosing to live on campus, some expenses may include:
- rent or accommodation fees
- meals and entertainment
- mobile phone, internet and streaming service bills
- fuel, parking fees and public transport fares.
On-campus accommodation fees
If you're interested in living on-campus, find out more about accommodation fees at our Mackay and Rockhampton campuses.
You will need to fund any travel associated with attending residential schools or work placements that form part of your degree. Wherever possible, your teaching team will coordinate placements close to home or schedule residential school requirements in blocks to limit travel and the associated costs.
Remember, a scholarship can be helpful in these instances - explore scholarships.
For some courses with clinical placements, you may be required to pay an incidental fee associated with clinical placement forfeiture and clinical placement supplementation if this occurs. An incidental fee may be charged when, as a student, you have been provided with a clinical placement opportunity and accepted it and have either:
- failed to complete the placement and require supplementary placement opportunities, or
- forfeited your place and withdrawn from the course or unit.
More information about incidental clinical fees is available once enrolled in your units via your course and unit coordinators.
As a student, you may find other study costs that occur on an ad hoc basis. These costs are not dependent on your enrolment. These sundry charges may include:
- late charges
- graduation attendance fees
- library charges
Find a scholarship
We offer a variety of scholarships that can give you a helping hand with a range of expenses and enhance your employability.

Related Information
Paying for Uni
Learn about how course fees are calculated and your payment options, including paying upfront or deferring via a HELP Loan, plus explore eligibility criteria for government support.

Understanding University Fees
How do undergraduate and postgraduate uni fees work? Learn about the different types of fees at CQU and what applies to you.