School of Education and the Arts
Technology; Education; Studies in Creative Arts and Writing
Associate Professor Susan Davis, Dr Ashley Holmes
Doctor of Philosophy

Google Scholar: Glenda Hobdell

ResearchGate: Glenda Hobdell


Research Details

Thesis Name

Arts teachers as cultural animators? An A/R/Tographic inquiry into the potential for regional arts community collaboration and leadership involving emergent technologies

Thesis Abstract

Significant challenges face Australia's regional artists and arts educators. Issues around what constitutes quality, contemporary arts practice and product are foregrounded when community members have less opportunity to experience and engage with diverse exemplars of innovation than their city counterparts. This arts-based research investigates the potential for arts educators to contribute to the cultural animation of creative, innovative regions through collaborative arts practice.

Why my research is important/Impacts

The inquiry will contribute to the growing body of literature related to the Artist-Researcher-Teacher, offering an A-R-T locus methodology through connected professional development of an artist/researcher/teacher working with secondary arts teachers. Informed by my leadership and collaboration with teacher participants in a major exhibition project, the research will provide an opportunity to address issues facing regional teachers/audiences and influence the nature of regional art and arts education through integration of emergent technologies into arts practice.