Varun Yarehalli Chandrappa

School of Engineering and Technology
Environmental Sciences; Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences; Information and Computing Sciences
Dr Biplob Ray, Associate Professor Nanjappa Ashwath
Doctor of Philosophy
Head shot of Varun Chandrappa smiling

Research Details

Thesis Name

Smart Urban Irrigation Program for Cairns Regional Council (CRC)

Thesis Abstract

The objective of the proposed research is to develop an IoT based intelligent watering system in managed parks. This objective is aligned with CQUniversity's research strength in the area of: "smart systems and computational intelligence". In this project, we will install several data collection sensors to monitor the moisture content of the park. Some of these data collection sources will be automated for real-time collection and storage of data in a cloud storage facility. This information will be used with data mining technologies to analyse for accurate watering and forecasting. The decision of the developed model will be integrated with the existing irrigation systems for smart automation, which will deliver water following the plant's requirements, the rainfall received and the evaporative demand of the system. The skills we will learn while doing this project are machine learning, artificial intelligence, IoT and programming skills.

Why my research is important/Impacts

This will benefit the Cairns Regional Council (CRC) via cost savings and reduces wastage of water. This will also reduce public complaints regarding wet or dry grounds. Besides, this could also minimise the quantities of fertilisers and other chemicals that might leach into the Great Barrier Reef.


Cairns Regional Council Smart Urban Irrigation Living Stipend Scholarship


Cairns Regional Council