Coastal Marine Ecosystems Research Centre placement inspires student to take photo hobby to new level

26 October 2021

Shea Connor Bell has an eye for detail and thanks to a recent placement opportunity at CQUniversity Gladstone, the Year 12 Tannum Sands High School student is now taking his hobby in photography to a new level.

Shea said the week-long placement at CQUs Coastal Marine Ecosystems Research Centre (CMERC) had opened his eyes to nature in a way he hadn't seen it before.

"The week with the CMERC team provided me with great experience," Shea said.

"The CMERC team was super welcoming and enthusiastic and I had the opportunity to take some photos while on placement which show so much of the life that exists in and around seagrass," he said.

In addition to photographing specimens, during his placement at CMERC Shea also gained experience in the field, surveying seagrass and learning about the different surveying techniques used.

"I was able to see how a variety of controlled experiments are conducted in the lab from the mechanics of tagging a molting crab, to studying the placidity of seagrass morphology under different conditions and whether the phenotypic differences between seagrass in a variety of habitats is genetic or morphology adaptations to the conditions of the site," he said.

"The marine world never ceases to surprise me with its unbelievable adaptations to survive and from my placement at CMERC I saw that this was also the case for the scientists that have been working in the field for their entire careers."

Shea encouraged others to give work experience a go.

"If you're interested in a career in marine biology then it is vital to gain real-life experience of what the average day as a marine biologist is like and CMERC provides that opportunity."

CMERC Director Dr Emma Jackson said it was a pleasure to host Shea during his placement.

"Shea took some incredible macro photographs of some of the smaller animals and plants living in and on the seagrass in our aquaria," Dr Jackson said.

"That attention to detail and wonder at the marine environment will be a great basis for his study and career as a marine biologist."

Shea will complete his schooling in the coming weeks and said he hoped to enrol in a university course to become a marine biologist.

"I hope to study marine biology and eventually incorporate my love of underwater photography with my marine biology career."