CQU seeks project proposals for pro bono design and consultancy work
CQUniversity is seeking proposals from organisations within its communities to access pro bono digital media design and production consultancy by its students.
Every year digital media project proposals are sought from communities that CQUniversity engages with.
For over a decade the annual offer for free design and production consultancy has been taken up by dozens of organisations.
The Collaborative Digital Media Project units span 24 weeks and are comprised of two parts. Part A enables students to opt for a challenge' build a team' conduct requirements elicitation' pitch a proposed solution to the client' and plan for production in Part B.
During the following 12-week term the project is realised with progress reviews along the way involving the client.
In 2021' 10 teams of senior undergraduate students completed their compulsory capstone collaborative units.
Half of the teams were involved in digital video production. There were four anti-domestic violence advertisements' a water safety education series animation pilot for Aqualification' a promotional video for Regional Development Australia – Mackay' Issac' Whitsunday' videos for the Keppel Island Swimming Association' and an employee induction video for Boyne Smelters.
Additionally' there were web and digital media re-vitalisation projects for Gladstone Airport Corporation' Arts Central Queensland Inc' Capricornia Cruising Yacht Club' Australasian Vocational Education and Training Research Association Inc.
CQUniversity Australia's Advanced Technology and Innovation Centre also gained professional user manuals for equipment used by visitors.
In 2020 Unit coordinator Dr Ashley Holmes was recipient of a citation from the Australian Awards for University Teaching for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning which commended him on his innovative strategies of incorporating authentic learning into curriculum which benefits students' the community and the University.
Dr Holmes has previously received a Vice Chancellor's Award for Outstanding Contributions to Learning and Teaching (2019)' and his team an Opal Engagement Award for Engaged Education and Training (2018)
Dr Holmes is currently seeking registrations of interest by email from organisations for 2022 projects: a.holmes@cqu.edu.au.
Enquiries will also be taken by phone to (07) 4940 7592.
Instructions on how to submit a project brief will be provided to registrants. Project briefs will be due mid-February 2022.