Rocky high schoolers tackle youth issues through debate

12 August 2022

CQUniversity and the Central Queensland Law Association (CQLA) held their annual law debating competition in the Supreme Court at Rockhampton earlier this month.

Four schools from across Central Queensland participated in the competition including' Heights College' Rockhampton Grammar' Emmaus College and The Cathedral College who were announced as the overall winner.

Emmaus College debated against Heights College that the minimum age of criminal responsibility in Queensland should be raised to 14 years of age.

Heights College won the debate.

CQU Head of Law Lance Rundle adjudicated the competition alongside Judge Clarke of the District Court' Magistrate Beckinsale of the Magistrates Court.

"All the students from the four participating schools did themselves proud to stand up in a real life courtroom before respected members of the judiciary to argue points of law'" Mr Rundle said.

Rockhampton Grammar debated against The Cathedral College that the right to a fair trial is no longer guaranteed in the Queensland criminal justice system.

The Cathedral College was victorious against Rockhampton Grammar and won the overall debating prize' a perpetual trophy.

Awards were funded in partnership with the CQLA' who provided the perpetual trophy' and CQU's School of Business and Law' who provided students with participation medals' bookstore vouchers for the CQU bookstore.

Paula Phelan of the CQLA thanked CQUniversity for their continued commitment to organising the event.

"The law debating competition gives high school students the confidence to appear in a courtroom and develops their advocacy skills and research abilities'" Ms Phelan said.