Illuminate FNQ sheds light on CQU aviation for National Science Week
Aspiring pilots have the opportunity to try flying for themselves this National Science Week (18-20 August) with CQUniversity hosting Cairns Aviation Centre tours and flight simulator experiences.
Held as part of Illuminate FNQ's Cairns International Science and Eco Festival' the Aviation Centre will showcase its state-of-the-art facilities and simulation technology to advance community knowledge of the science behind the aviation industry.
Given the increasing global shortage of airline pilots' airport managers and aviation leaders' CQUniversity's Head of Aviation and former pilot' Professor Doug Drury said education surrounding aviation is key to bolstering the exciting and evolving industry.
"National Science Week is a great way to introduce the region's young people to aviation and the opportunities available to them through science and technology'" he said.
"Globally' we will need more than 700 000 pilots in the next 20 years and nearly a million managers and a million maintenance specialists.
"Addressing these needs will require a responsive' resilient and innovative talent pool with the ability to adapt to emerging technologies."
As a part of the CQU Aviation Centre event' participants will have the opportunity to use a flight training simulator' a teaching tool used with Bachelor of Aviation students.
The experience includes flight training' safety procedures' information on real-world applications and hands-on flying.
"Over $4.8m has been invested into the Aviation Centre facilities' providing world-class higher education and training'" Prof Drury said.
"Utilising this technology helps us to ensure our pilots are equipped with the knowledge and experience needed to tackle any challenges they might encounter when up in the air.
"It is the closest thing you can get to flying without actually leaving the ground!"
For more information on the Cairns International Science and Eco Festival' visit the Illuminate FNQ website.