RACE program goes statewide

02 April 2024
Associate Professor Amy Cosby engaging with four primary students, one is wearing a cow hat and holding an iPad.
Associate Professor Amy Cosby with students at RACE program

By Tiahna Fiddling

CQUniversity's Agri-tech Education and Extension researchers have expanded the reach of their successful Raising Aspirations in Careers and Education (RACE) in Agriculture program across Victoria. 

The new RACE – Victoria aims to provide engaging experiences that increase students understanding, confidence, interest, and motivation for pursuing a pathway to one of the many different careers in world of agricultural work. 

The innovative initiative was previously delivered as RACE – Gippsland between 2021 to 2023 and RACE Goulburn between 2023 to 2024, which facilitated agricultural career exploration experiences to more than 4000 students in the Gippsland and Goulburn Murray regions.

Thanks to funding from the Victorian State Government through the Raising Rural and Regional Student Aspirations Program 2024-2025, the program will be available to all regional Victorian primary and secondary schools until the end of 2025.

CQU staff will work to deliver a range of activities including Agri-tech Roadshows, Food and Fibre Industry School Partnership Programs and Teacher Personal Development Webinars to connect teachers with industry. 

CQUniversity Principal Research Fellow Associate Professor Amy Cosby who leads the team, said the expansion of the program is a testament to its impact over the past three years. 

“Results from past project delivery demonstrated a significant increase in student’s understanding how their personal career interests and strengths could translate to a career in agriculture, and subsequent interest in pursuing a career in the agriculture industry,” Assoc Prof Cosby said. 

“Beyond increased career interest, over 80 per cent reported greater understanding of agriculture involved Science Technology Education Mathematics (STEM) concepts and the innovative nature of the industry.”

Seymour College students
Secondary school students at RACE program

She added that feedback from the program showed it has effectively empowered students to continue their exploration of careers.

“One student participant remarked that they ‘could get in touch with people I know that know about agriculture and farming in my interest area, and they could teach me a bit about it’.

“Furthermore, teachers reported the value they gained in supporting the facilitation of the student experiences,” Assoc Prof Cosby said.

“By creating connections with industry and further knowledge of agricultural careers, teachers were given the tools to inform their future lessons with students.”

Opportunities for primary and secondary schools to participate in RACE – Victoria are currently in progress. 

An expression of interest can be submitted via survey or by emailing  ageducation@cqu.edu.au