Public art events to display the value of art in action

Public art in regional communities is expanding, proving that public art can belong in places other than the laneways of Melbourne.
CQUniversity as the provider of the Central Queensland Regional Arts Services Network (RASN) and Bundaberg Regional Council are teaming up with accomplished visual artist Katie Whyte to showcase the value of public art spaces and get the community involved in the process.
RASN and Council will aim to grow the community’s arts practice and knowledge in this area by delivering two key events for artists and business professionals in the region across 12-14 April 2024.
The program will launch with the networking event Enhancing Spaces: Public Art Business Breakfast on Friday 12 April, expertly curated for business communities to learn how to work with visual artists to enhance and add value to their business and community spaces.
Then from 13-14 April, visual artists will be able to attend a masterclass workshop to develop their practice and learn how to create and manage public art projects, learning new skills to build a thriving arts career.
Trudie Leigo, CQUniversity’s RASN Manager said: “In terms of what skills artists are looking to acquire or what skills gaps there are in the community, public art is a topic that comes up frequently – from businesses and organisations wanting to learn how to commission artists, through to artists wanting to learn how to get a project idea off the ground.
“During the recent Public Art Summit that brought 75 artists and organisations from across Queensland to Bundaberg, it was made clear just how valuable public art is in our communities.
“Following on from that we are now working with artist Katie Whyte to deliver a dedicated program that aims to involve artists as well as members of the community and local industry.”
Ms Leigo added: “Our ultimate goal is to bring artists and business owners together so they can explore opportunities to enhance their creative practice, and their places of business. After all, the arts are what make our regional communities connected and vibrant places to live and allow us to uncover our hidden stories, showcase our creative talent and celebrate our diverse culture. It’s essential to advocate for arts in regional communities because it’s what brings us together and makes us proud of our community.”

With 20 years of experience in her visual arts career, Visual Artist and Creative Producer Katie Whyte said that it is vital to invest in the professional development of artists as it allows regional communities to tell their stories and enrich the cultural fabric and lives of the residents, business and visitors alike – and encouraged anyone looking to grow their knowledge of art to connect to likeminded people in the community through these networking opportunities and access the support that is readily available.
“Public art has the incredible ability to transform spaces, connect with people and ignite emotions. It helps communities to start conversations, allows visitors and locals to feel safe, welcome and connected, and celebrates the ideas and stories that shape the culture of a place,” Ms Whyte said.
“When businesses team up with artists that match their own values, it allows them to create memorable, unique spaces that connect with their visitors, customers and community on a deeper level.
“Once you see the value of art in action, imagine how public art can benefit your space by helping you to connect with the community and share your story.”
Bookings are essential for both events and tickets can be purchased as follows:
Enhancing Spaces: Public Art Business Breakfast
Masterclass: Developing and Managing Your Own Public Art Projects
These events have been made possible thanks to the generous support of Bundaberg Regional Council, as well as Arts Queensland through the Regional Arts Development Fund and the Regional Arts Services Network.