Karina Griffin
Karina enjoyed completing a mix of lab and field work during her research studies. She has great memories of talking to growers about challenges on their farms, investigating things they want to know and helping them understand research.
One of the most important skills that Karina learned from her supervisor is to build relationships and connections with people: "This means you don't have to be an expert in everything but can draw on the knowledge of others to problem solve collaboratively." Karina's own advice to the next generation of research graduates is to utilise their cross-compatible skills and not be afraid to apply for roles in different industries.
Karina now divides her time between the Australian Macadamia Society and Southern Cross University, writing technical articles for growers, assisting in the delivery of research and industry events, and conducting research in plant pathology and intercropping for soil health projects.
Thesis title: Copper tolerance in Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato isolates from tomato crops in Eastern Australia