Sarah Bell
I was enrolled in a Bachelor of Learning Management (Primary) but realised I wasn't passionate about becoming a teacher, so after taking a four-year gap, I switched to a Bachelor of Learning Design and graduated in 2011. I still wanted to be involved in the education space, and currently work as the Centre Manager, Central and North Queensland at AIME Mentoring.
Learning Design set me up to understand how kids learn and what the struggles are, and the practical side of the course gave me knowledge on how schools work and the pressures they face. I utilise this knowledge on a daily basis in my role at AIME.
I regret not asking for more help at University and wish I would have accessed more support services. My advice is to utilise as many opportunities as you can while you are at Uni, the job market is competitive, and employers are looking for more than just your degree. Volunteer work or other value-adding opportunities will develop you personally and professionally.