Fariz Mir Ishak Mir Ishak

Bachelor of Business
On campus

I can't say that I was a good student while I was at CQU, but what I did learn was the fundamental skills to make it in the real world, which was the real education for me!
Studying on an international campus expanded my horizons and let me interact with other students from all over the world. This was definitely one of the most beautiful learning experiences for me. The great friendships still continue today.
Career-wise, having a Marketing degree from CQU and a master has opened a lot of doors. I have worked for multiple companies both local and international. I have explored various departments and business functions and can say I am blessed with all of the learning I have obtained.
My advice to all international students who wish to continue their study abroad – open your mind, try new things, make new friends, take chances and explore! You will never know where you will end up.