Mark Slingo
2011, 2014 & 2015 CQUniversity Excel Award Winner
2015 CQUniversity Opal Award Winner
I chose CQUniversity as it is Queensland based with excellent external study options available. I ended up moving to Rockhampton to take advantage of on-campus life as well.
While studying I applied for a temporary IT position within the Library – 10 years later I am still here! This opportunity would not have come my way had I not been a student!
My current job title is "Infrastructure Projects Officer with IaTD (The university's Information Technology Department). My studies at CQUniversity have enabled me to present a formal qualification along with my relevant industry experience and placed me in good stead during recruitment to new positions.
In my free time I practice Shorinjiryu Koshinkai Karate and will be tested for my Yodan (4th degree black belt) in 2016.