Bachelor of Environmental Science
On campus

Malcolm is a Darumbal Traditional Owner of the Rockhampton region, and has responsibilities as a Director on the Darumbal People Aboriginal Corporation Registered Native Title Body Corporate, Central Queensland Indigenous Development Inc, and Nullu Badi Ngudybay Academy. He is the Darumbal Business Development Manager (BDM) for Darumbal Enterprises Pty Ltd (DEPL) and is also the Chairman for the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Indigenous Reef Advisory Committee and an advisor on the Great Barrier Reef Foundation Traditional Owner Advisory Group.

Malcolm has experience managing teams and projects through DEPL, including with the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, and Queensland Parks Wildlife Service - Marine Parks. He has a passion for the environment and sharing his knowledge and experiences with a wide range of audiences.

The challenges of studying (including conquering his own fears) have been worth it, as his degree assisted his thinking, research, writing and communication skills, and has had a flow on effect of increasing Malcolm's experiences and opportunities.

Malcolm's career highlights include presenting his work at the World Indigenous Network Conference in Darwin 2012 for land and sea managers from all over the world. Another highlight was presenting at the International Coral Reef Symposium in Honolulu, Hawaii, which is the principal association to which coral reef scientists, managers and enthusiasts from across the world come together.