Mark Newberry
Mark is a Trainer Assessor at Down To Earth Training & Safety Skills. He began as full-time teacher, spending 10 years at Gladstone State High School, the NRG Workskills workshop, the Construction Skills Centre and Tannum State High School. He Completed a Masters of Workplace Health and Safety at the University of Newcastle in 2019 whilst working shifts at Maritime Safety Queensland.
Mark is an Instrument Fitter with a Restricted Electrical Licence and chose to study at CQUni as it was local, flexible and valued his qualifications.
Mark's current role involves training and assessing industry workers in qualifications such as Health Safety, First Aid, CPR, Agricultural Chemicals Distribution Control, Working at Heights Confined Space, Forklift and Trainer Training. He is also upgrading his Training and Assessment (TAE) qualifications and becoming a Fire Safety trainer.
Study has given Mark access to clever, creative people who have a passion to help others make things happen in their life. It's also given him great research skills in order to keep up with current events and advance his qualifications and knowledge.