Ray Rosendale
After 27 years in the Australian Defence Force, it was the experiences of my military service that led me to want to become professionally involved in social justice. Also, coming from a blended Aboriginal and European family, I have always been acutely aware of ‘social injustice' in its many forms.
I initially worked in the homelessness and youth space, and I am currently employed at Cairns Regional Council working in the First Peoples community space with a secondary position working with the Queensland government to develop Treaty and Truth Telling in Queensland.
I work closely with the community to resolve concerns, issues, and problems that First Peoples may be facing. I make referrals to services and am also involved in policy development such as the Reconciliation Action Plan and cultural guidelines and education materials.
Having strong, recognisable and authentic credentials allows me to speak with authority on the subjects I am engaged in. Being recognised as understanding both the practical and theoretical underpinnings of my work supports me to effect real change.