Master of Applied Positive Psychology
Online Study
Ettore Cortesi standing on a dirt road with arms crossed

I was working with the Royal Flying Doctors Service (RFDS) as a provisional Psychologist when the Well-being Centres in the Cape were returned to Apunapima. I relocated to Longreach to work out of the Well-being Centre there for another 3 months before that contract was also transferred from RFDS to the primary health network. At that point I decided to return to University to upgrade my credentials by getting my Masters degree.

Since graduating I have become a full-time carer for my elderly mother. Although I do still work in the mental health industry casually through a role coaching NDIS clients towards improving mental health and well-being, my career aspirations have been put on hold indefinitely at the current time.

My degree has helped me gain the tools to help people improve their lives. More importantly though, I feel that I have the know-how to do a better job in my carer role, and to look after myself so my own well-being does not deteriorate from the stress resulting from that role.