Federal Labor promises more TAFE and uni places ahead of election

23 February 2022

CQUniversity's Vice-Chancellor Professor Nick Klomp has welcomed the Federal Labor Party's pre-election commitment of 465'000 free TAFE places and 20'000 university places' saying it's a good move for regional Australia.

"CQUniversity is delighted to hear of Federal Labor's commitment for 465'000 free TAFE places'" Professor Klomp said.

"CQUniversity Australia is Queensland's only dual sector university. It means in the regions we are absolutely committed to producing graduates from everything from certificate ones' through to apprenticeships' all the way through to degrees' masters' PhDs and post-doctorates.

"The regions are crying out for this sort of skilled workforce' so we are delighted to hear about this commitment from Federal Labor."

Shadow Minister for Education Tanya Plibersek was at CQUniversity Rockhampton City Campus this week to spread the news about Labor's pre-election commitment and chat with some of the region's TAFE teachers and students.

Talking outside the University's Willby's Training Restaurant' Shadow Minister Plibersek said Labor's commitment of extra places would enable more regional people to get the skills they need to get great jobs.

"We know that someone that does TAFE education is likely to earn $19'000 a year more than someone that hasn't been able to go to TAFE'" she said.

"And we know that employers right around Rockhampton and the region are crying out for skilled staff."

She said across Australia one in four employers are saying they can't find the skilled staff they need and that there are too many people who can't get a job and can't get the hours of work they need.

Professor Klomp said the University was committed to working alongside any Government willing to put its support behind university and TAFE training in regional Queensland.


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